Senior Consultant combined with Professor II/Associate Professor in medicine (geriatric medicine)
Oslo University Hospital (OUH) is Norway’s largest hospital with over 20 000 employees and a budget of 20 billion NOK. It is a local hospital for parts of Oslo's population. It has a regional function for the inhabitants in the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, and it also has a large number of national functions. The Hospital is responsible for the majority of medical research and education of health personnel in Norway!
The University of Oslo (UiO) is Norway's largest research and educational institution with 28 000 students and 7 000 employees. Professional breadth and internationally recognized research environments make UiO an important contributor to society. The Faculty of Medicine was established in 1814 and is Norway's oldest medical faculty. The Faculty works for progressive education, research and dissemination for the patients’ and society’s best interests. It is organized into three basic units and has approximately 1 500 employees (about 1 000 work years) and about 2 000 students.
A permanent 100 % position as Senior Consultant is available at the Department of Geriatric Medicine, Clinic of Medicine, Oslo University Hospital. The position is affiliated with a permanent part time position as Professor II SKO 8013 (20 % position)/Associate Professor SKO 1011 in Medicine (Geriatric medicine) at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo (UiO). It is required that the position holder attends to both positions.
Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is crucial for solving our tasks in the best possible way. We want this diversity to be reflected among the applicants for our positions, and we encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of background, to apply!
Regarding the full-time clinical position at Oslo University Hospital:
The Department of Geriatric Medicine consists of an acute geriatric ward, two outpatient clinics, and a section for research and development. The Department is one of the largest centers in Norway for geriatric medicine. The Department's prioritized research areas are geriatric oncology/frailty, dementia, delirium, and polypharmacy in older adults, and the applicant must have extensive research experience in at least one of these fields. He or she is expected to have ongoing research activity within one or more of the department's focus areas, actively contribute to collaborative projects, and have ambitious future research plans.
The clinical responsibilities will be detailed individually but comprise approx. 3 workdays per week according to the agreement between Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo for professor II. The activities will include:
- Participation in the ordinary clinical work at the department
- Research and development integrated in the clinical activities
- Education of medical students and supervision of specialist candidates
Qualification requirements:
- Certified specialist in geriatric medicine in Norway
- Broad geriatric and internal medicine experience from the various disciplines in the department
- Good theoretical and clinical skills
- Verbal and written communication skills in Norwegian or Scandinavian language
Personal qualification
- Good cooperation skills, engagement, and flexibility
- Excellent skills in interdisciplinary collaboration and an interest in developing new services and collaborative relationships
- Good working capacity
2 references should be provided in the application
We can offer
- An inclusive and dynamic working environment.
- A high level of medical expertise
- Well established and well-functioning schemes for combined position as professor
Regarding the part-time academic position at UiO:
- For complete job description with qualification requirements and basis of evaluation on the academic position please see:
Applications for the academic part-time position must include:
- Cover letter and CV
- Complete list of publications
- Separate list of 10 most relevant publications to be evaluated specifically for the position (please send these publications attached in full text versions).
- Overview of experience in supervising PhD candidates, including names of the candidates, period of supervision, information on institutions and dates for the presentation of the theses, as well as specific information regarding experience as main- or co-supervisor for each candidate: http://www.med.uio.no/om/jobb/veiledninger/form---phd-candidate-supervision.pdf
- Description of qualifications regarding administration, leadership, teaching and foreign language skills
- Other relevant qualifications
Please scan and upload the documents as PDF files in Webcruiter (maximum 10 MB)
See guidelines for designing the application, information for applicants, rules for appointments to
Professor II as well as rules concerning pedagogical skills:
Contact persons
- For the senior consultant position, please contact Nina Ommundsen, Section Head of MDs at the Department of Geriatric Medicine, Oslo University Hospital
E-mail: UXOMNI@ous-hf.no
- For the Professor II position, please contact Siri Rostoft, professor, University of Oslo
E-mail: srostoft@gmail.com
Enquiries about the application process related to the part-time position should be directed to Human Resources Advisor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Tone Tverfjell, t.i.tverfjell@medisin.uio.no
🕑 | Oslo | 2025-04-03 23:59:00
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03-04-2025 23:59
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